
Helping Your Little One Shine Through Fear of the Dark

Helping Your Little One Shine Through Fear of the Dark

Many parents find themselves facing bedtime battles fueled by a common childhood fear: the dark. Luckily, there are ways to navigate this fear and create a peaceful sleep environment for everyone. ...more


July 19, 20242 min read

How to Ensure Restful Sleep for Your Little One While Traveling

How to Ensure Restful Sleep for Your Little One While Traveling

Traveling with young children can be an adventure, but it can also disrupt their sleep routines, leading to meltdowns and a cranky vacation for everyone. Here's the secret: a well-rested child tends t... ...more


July 12, 20242 min read

Conquering Bedtime Battles: How to Handle Toddler Sleep Resistance

Conquering Bedtime Battles: How to Handle Toddler Sleep Resistance

Is your little one suddenly resistant to naps and bedtime? You're not alone. Toddlers are notorious for sleep struggles. But fear not, weary parents! Here are some tips to turn those bedtime battles i... ...more


June 24, 20242 min read

Pacifier Power: Friend or Foe in Sleep Training?

Pacifier Power: Friend or Foe in Sleep Training?

The pacifier. A lifesaver for some parents, a constant battle for others. When it comes to sleep training, the pacifier can be a source of confusion. Can you use a pacifier and still achieve sleep tra... ...more


June 06, 20242 min read

Potty Training and Nap Time

Potty Training and Nap Time

As a certified gentle sleep coach, I get asked a lot about potty training and nap time. Here are some tips to navigate these milestones with a touch of gentle guidance: ...more


May 24, 20242 min read

Helping Your Little One Through Sleeptime Separation Anxiety

Helping Your Little One Through Sleeptime Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a natural part of a baby's development, and it can peak around bedtime. This can be frustrating for parents who want their child to sleep peacefully through the night. ...more


May 09, 20242 min read


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